Autoship Systems Corporation (ASC) provides leading-edge software solutions for two broad categories of marine industries: the vessel design and construction industry, and the marine shipping industry. Our products are in use by thousands of marine businesses on every continent around the world. Our worldwide network of dealers provides complete pre-sales, sales and post-sales support, including software training.

Software for the Cargo Shipping Industry
We provide shipping companies and terminals with stowage planning and management solutions (SPS) that improve cargo handling efficiencies and fully integrate planning operations into the real-time logistics chain.

Vessel crews further benefit from Autoload, our type approved, highly accurate hydrostatics and stability engine, Autoload. has proved to be very versatile as it is used in a diverse range of operational environments – including cruise ships, naval ships, oil rigs, heavy lift, and every type of cargo vessel.

All our software solutions are based on accurate 3-D digital models. For stowage plan developers, the 3D modeling allows them to develop efficient, detailed stowage plans. For the ships, the 3D modeling provides the Autoload user with the most accurate stability results.

In addition to the software products themselves, Autoship Systems Corporation provides related IT consulting services that will allow you to benefit even more from SPS. For example, we can integrate SPS with your electronic booking system, giving you quantifiable business improvements. Your stowage planners will always be working with the latest information, ensuring that even your pre-stow plans are accurate, and that vessel loading can be maximized. In addition, the system will allow you to easily confirm exactly what cargo is onboard.

Our qualified technicians will visit your offices and vessels to conduct installation and operator training. This turnkey service ensures that you will have a system up and running in the shortest possible time.

Software for the Vessel Design and Construction Industry
Our full line of marine CAD/CAM software assists naval architects and builders in the design and construction of vessels from yachts and pleasure craft to large ships. Designers use our flagship CAD/CAM product, called Autoship, to design the vessel hull. Our Autopower is used to determine resistance and powering requirements. Autohydro is used for stability and strength assessment, while Autoplate takes care of the plate expansion process. Autostructure is used to design the internal structure of the vessel. The shell and structure files are all convertible to AutoCAD™ files, for further design work. Our clients then use Production Manager for nesting parts and stock management.

With these products, Autoship Systems offers a complete and integrated software solution for any size of shipyard. By saving on design and engineering time, the time required for communications and data exchange, and by reducing material wastage, our solution can increase productivity by between 40 and 50 percent.

Give your authorized Autoship Systems Dealer a call to see how you too can achieve such productivity improvements with ASC CAD/CAM software.

™ AutoCAD is a registered trademark of Autodesk, Inc.